SPAR Self Defense
Warrior Classes


High intensity classes to enhance your physical performance. Focus is on fundamentals and technique. Serious calorie burn designed to get you fit for the fight.


SPAR Kickboxing classes are for everyone! All levels of experience are welcome and catered towards! Our Kickboxing classes are 30 minutes of high energy, technical, calorie torching fun using our freestanding kick bags. Muay Thai bags are also available for advanced students. These classes will engage both your upper and lower body leaving you feeling stronger and more empowered than ever before!

At SPAR you will learn proper Kickboxing techniques from highly experienced instructors!


Boxing fitness classes at SPAR are for everyone of all fitness levels! Our classes combine both theĀ  technical aspects of boxing along with core strengthening and cardio exercise. You will be learning correct form and proper technique to throw jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts along with new combinations in every 30 minute class. Work at your own pace from Beginner to Advanced. Our instructors work with you to achieve your goals and provide you workouts to constantly be challenged by. Get in the best shape of your life taking our Boxing Warrior Classes today!

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